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A Tribute to the Days of Yore
A tribute to the first 10 years. When I started I was using a point and shoot camera and film. It was terrifying to plow through three rolls of film and then be forced to wait at least an hour, but often longer, to see if there were any good pictures. I was always relieved to find I hadn't completely blown it. In the old days, I had no children and thus plenty of time to try my hand at wedding photography. Maybe I will pursue that again someday, but in the meantime I love focusing in on families and teenagers. I hope you enjoy this walk through memory lane with me. If you happen to find your face in one of these pictures, I sincerely thank you for believing in me and giving me a chance. I love photography, and I wouldn't have pursued it without you.
I hope to one day have enough time to dig through all my photos and post my favorite pictures
(and maybe a few memories) from each of the past 20 years worth of sessions.
Until then...
Katie S.~ you tolerated having my camera in your face incessantly in those early pre-professional days. Thanks for the fun photo shoots and your blessed tolerance for my camera.
Shannon S. ~ thanks for trusting me with your senior photos when your original plans fell through. Nothing like last minute panic to bring on the creativity. Grateful that I had those three rolls of film. You sorta started it all.
Beth S.~ thanks for being my first paying gig. I still have the thank you note stating your wishes to be a photographer. It has been an honor to capture your photos and to watch your skill grow and develop. You have done it! Your pictures are lovely and you are blessing people with your work.
Jessica B. ~ thanks for entrusting me with your wedding. It was my very first and I WAS TERRIFIED! You were beautiful though and that made my job so easy. Also, I am pretty sure that you don't look any different all these years later.
Emily F. ~ Pretty sure you hold the record for the most sessions held the most regularly.
Emily M. ~ You survived your husband falling into the creek at a session and came back for more.
You won some major loyalty points there.
Erin W. and/or Paula P. ~ One of you holds the record for most referrals.
I guess you can Ro-Sham-Bo to claim the ultimate victory.
Just know, that no matter who wins,
you both ROCK
and I sincerely THANK YOU
for your belief in me.
It has been a joy to photograph you over the years.
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